Intamin Publications published the novel at the 2017 Book Fair.

Sohan Sorkar's first novel
- The second edition of the book was launched at the 2020 Book Fair.
- The author's most popular book to date.
- Published by Intamin Publications during the 2017 Book Fair.

The children's book was published by Intamin Publications during the 2019 Book Fair.

Sohan Sorkar's first book for children's
Baccha Biral
- This book is available in e-book format on several platforms.
- In 2019 and 2020, it was one of the best-selling books at the publication's book fair stall.
- The book was published by Intamin Publications at the 2019 Book Fair.

The poetry book was published by Intamin Publications at the 2017 Book Fair.

Sohan Sorkar's third poetry book.
Songkirno Soronite
- In 2024, the second edition of the book was published only as an e-book.
- The hard copy of the book is currently unavailable.
- The book was published by Intamin Publications at the 2017 Book Fair.

The book of poetry was published by Intamin Publications at the 2017 Book Fair.

Sohan Sorkar's second poetry book.
Swaccho Plastike Dhaka Chokh
- In 2024, the second edition of the book was published only as an e-book.
- The hard copy of the book is currently unavailable.
- The book was published by Intamin Publications at the 2017 Book Fair.

The book of poetry was published by Boipotro Publications at the 2016 Book Fair.

Sohan Sorkar's first poetry book.
- In 2024, the second edition of the book was published only as an e-book.
- The hard copy of the book is currently unavailable.
- The book was published by Boipotro Publications at the 2016 Book Fair.