Genre: Children’s Storybook
Publisher: Intamin Publications

Baccha Biral

Md. Sohanur Rahman (Sohan Sorkar)
The book comprises seven stories, each featuring nursery rhymes. The stories are as follows:

১. চিনি, মিনি, কিনির খেলা
২. চিনি, মিনি, কিনির মারামারি
৩. বৃষ্টির দিনে বাচ্চা বিড়াল
৪. চিনি, মিনি, কিনির খাওয়া
৫. রাত্রি বেলায় চিনি, মিনি, কিনি
৬. মাটির ঢিবিতে চিনি, মিনি, কিনি
৭. বিড়ালে ও বাচ্চা বিড়াল।

Third year at the book fair

Several “Baccha Biral” were brought to the fair, and within a few days, all were sold out.

Second year at the book fair

It was one of the best-selling children’s books from Intamin Publications that year.

Publishing year

It was one of Intamin Publications’ best-selling books that year.

Third year at the book fair

Several “Baccha Biral” were brought to the fair, and within a few days, all were sold out.

Second year at the book fair

It was one of the best-selling children’s books from Intamin Publications that year.

Publishing year

It was one of Intamin Publications’ best-selling books that year.

Media Coverage

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Children with "Baccha Biral" in hand.